- Double Yellow Filtered Grey 2023
- Double Green Filtered Blue 2022
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- BBA9D5A9-6F1E-464C-BDBF-7608B2DB65DF
- 2. Double Orange Floating Black
- IMG_2369
- IMG_2348 2
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- Soft Green Filtered Blue Acrylic, vintage papers, perspex, plastic on panel 12x16cm 2022
- Soft Green Filtered Blue Acrylic, vintage papers, perspex, plastic on panel 12x16cm 2022
- Double Red Filtered Blue 2022
- IMG_2300
- IMG_2334
- IMG_2473
- BBA9D5A9-6F1E-464C-BDBF-7608B2DB65DF
- Soft Red Filtered Orange (The 84) Acrylic, perspex,collage,alumiium, vIntage papers, 20x24x7cm
- Soft Red Filtered Orange)The 84) 2021 Acrylic,Perspex,collage ,aluminium plastic 20x24x7cm
- Soft Red Filtered Orange 2021 Acrylic,collage,vintage papers,wood plastic 20x23x7 cm
- IMG_9452
- IMG_9453
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- IMG_1132
- Double Orange Filtered Black 2020 Acrylic, wood , vintage papers, plastic on panel 22x31cm
- IMG_9444 2
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- e7022041-34d3-4918-9b78-9d033ba6df95
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- Double Violet Filtered Red 2021 Acrylic and collage on paper 76 x56cm
- Deep Red Fitered Violet 2021 Acrylic collage on paper 76x56cm
- IMG_0811 2
- e7022041-34d3-4918-9b78-9d033ba6df95
- IMG_9753
- Double Orange Filtered Black
- Laurence Noga Deep Turquoise Filtered Pink 2019 Acrylic Collage Aluminium on panel 42x17cm£1500
- IMG_7266
- IMG_7268 copy
- IMG_6671
- NogaLaurence.jpg.
- IMG_7431
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- IMG_7713 copy
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- Double Red Filtered Yellow 2020
- Double Turquoise Filtered Black 2020
- IMG_5887
- IMG_6126
- IMG_6535
- IMG_6586
- IMG_5930
- IMG_6837 copy
- IMG_7522 copy 2
- Double yellow filtered black 2019
- Soft Grey Filtered Green 30 x 83 2018
- Soft Orange Filtered Black 2017 Acrylic and Collage on Panel 82 x 30 cm
- IMG_3632
- IMG_7693
- Deep Yellow Filtered Pink 14 x 25 cm 2018
- IMG_5191
- Deep red filtered pink 30x80 2018
- IMG_5193
- IMG_3022
- Deep blue filtered silver Acrylic, collage and varnish on wood panel 2017
- IMG_5187
- Soft Brown Filtered Black Acrylic,Collage, wood steel 2017
- IMG_1515
- art
- 19-Burnt-Red-Filtered-Silver-Laurence-Noga
- L.-Noga---Burnt-Orange-Filtered-Silver
- Genetic-Turquoise-Filtered-Silver
- DSC01447
- Curved-Magenta-Filtered-Orange-cropped
- 26-Laurence-Noga-Floating-Orange-Filtered-Silver-London--Open
- Sap-green-filtered-silver-London-Open
- Noga-Laurence-2
- Laurence-Noga-Sap-Green-Filtered-Silver
- 1-Studio-burnt-orange-filtered-silver-studio-shot-Laurence-Noga--2
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- DSCF0008
Empty album
Empty album